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Edwards & Kautz

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What are my chances of winning my Social Security case?

On Behalf of | Nov 9, 2015 | Social Security Disability, Uncategorized |

That is perhaps the most-often-asked question: what are my odds of winning? Unfortunately, it is a question that cannot be answered. Please bear in mind that each case is different, each person’s ability or inability to deal with health issues varies, and individuals; uniquely respond to medicine, physical therapy, injections, and surgery differently. The Social Security disability attorneys at Edwards & Kautz Law Firm, PLLC zealously represents Social Security applicants in presenting testimony and medical records to the ALJ. If you have been diagnosed with medical conditions – be they physical, mental, or a combination of the two (2) – that prevent you from working, and the treatment you are actively receiving is not curing those conditions, then you are certainly strengthening your case. Again, however, no result can ever be guaranteed.

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