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What people should do when they become disabled

On Behalf of | May 7, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

Kentucky workers who have suffered a disabling injury or illness that prevents them from returning to their jobs might be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. There are several things that people can do to improve their chances of approval.

Before applying, people should start by determining their eligibility for SSDI. In order to be eligible, people must have paid FICA taxes through their jobs for at least five years out of the past 10. The disability must be severe enough to qualify. The Social Security Administration says that people must have disabling conditions that are expected to last for at least 12 months or that will lead to their deaths to qualify for SSDI.

People should apply for SSDI as soon as possible after they have become disabled. If they receive notices that their claims are denied, they should file appeals. Many claims that are initially denied are ultimately approved on appeal. While people are waiting for their appeals to be heard, they should carefully budget their money. Social Security appeals can take more than two years to be decided. People should continue seeing their doctors during the process so that they can build more evidence about their disabling conditions.

People who are disabled and are unable to work may be eligible for SSD benefits. This is a type of insurance that people pay for through their jobs, and they should not feel bad about filing claims. People might want to get help from experienced disability lawyers who may be able to assist their clients with gathering the medical evidence that best supports their claims. If their clients receive denials, they may file appeals within the limitations period. The lawyers may help their clients to continue adding evidence in support of their claims and present it to the administrative law judge at their clients’ hearings.

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