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OSHA issues reminder about retail worker safety during holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2018 | Workers' Compensation |

When it comes to workplace injuries in Kentucky, common tasks like stocking shelves, packing boxes and selling merchandise can all lead to job site accidents. Given the intense surge in holiday shoppers, the risks associated with retail jobs increases substantially. That’s why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently released a statement reminding employers of their duties to protect retail employees.

The effects of a heavy holiday schedule can extend beyond simply being hurt in a work accident. Long hours may be great for a retail worker’s pocketbook, but they can also lead to unintended consequences like a lack of sleep or workplace stress. In fact, studies show that increased stress can cause an employee to be less aware at work. This can lead to more workplace injuries.

The holidays also bring about risks rarely seen the rest of the year. For example, there are many injuries due to the mob of aggressive shoppers. OSHA has released suggestions to avoid these problems. Recommendations include using physical barriers like ropes or barricades as well as additional training in crowd control.

Finally, OSHA urges employers to employ enough staff during the holiday season. Being understaffed can lead to additional stress, overwork and injuries. And while more staff is important, OSHA reminds employers that properly training even temporary holiday workers is important to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Despite these suggestions, retail worker injuries during the holiday season are inevitable. If a retail employee is hurt at work, they may be eligible for a worker’s compensation claim. Legal counsel could help an injured worker through the filing process.

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