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The most common causes behind DUI crash deaths

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2018 | Car Accidents |

Excessive alcohol consumption can impair a driver’s reaction time, depth perception and peripheral vision, all of which increase the risk for an auto accident. Many drunk driving crashes in Kentucky are fatal. In fact, about one-third of all traffic-related fatalities in the country are DUI crash deaths. Drivers under 24 and motorcyclists are among those most susceptible to drunk driving crashes.

Also at high risk are those with prior DUI convictions and those who mix alcohol with drugs or medications. Young drivers, however, are at the most risk because they are inexperienced. Furthermore, they tend to travel in groups that cause distractions. An older adult with the same blood alcohol concentration as a younger adult is actually safer. It should be remembered the 0.08 percent is the legal limit in most states.

The liver takes about one hour to process one ounce, or 30 milliliters, or alcohol consumed. In compromised livers, it takes longer. Even those with a BAC level lower than 0.08 percent may still be impaired behind the wheel.

Head trauma, blood loss and internal organ damage are most commonly behind DUI crash deaths. Flying debris can strike the head, and glass can pierce the abdominal cavity and cause internal bleeding. The steering wheel and steering column can also cause serious trauma to the body.

When car accidents are caused by drunk, drowsy or distracted drivers, then victims may be eligible for compensation. A lawyer can negotiate for a fair settlement covering past and future medical expenses, missed wages, lost earning capacity and whatever else is applicable. If the auto insurance company refuses to pay out, victims can litigate.

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