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What to do to avoid drowsy driving

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2019 | Car Accidents |

It is not a good idea to drive on Kentucky roadways when sleep-deprived. Driving while tired can be just as dangerous as driving while drunk. According to a Consumer Reports study, prescription sleep aids could be contributing to the problem. Of 1,767 people surveyed, roughly 20 percent said that they drove within seven hours of taking them.

Generally speaking, an adult needs seven hours of sleep each night. Those who get that much sleep each night and are still tired could have a medical issue. Other signs of a potential medical issue include waking up at night and snoring. Proper sleep can be especially important for those who are planning on spending many hours behind the wheel. Ideally, a person will take a break after driving for two hours.

It may be easier to stay alert if a passenger is in the vehicle. If necessary, the passenger can take over driving duties while the other person sleeps. Individuals who are driving on their own can pull over to the side of the road for a quick nap if they are tired. In most cases, 15-20 minutes is the ideal amount of time to take such a break. Sleeping for longer than 20 minutes could make a person groggy.

Tired drivers who cause motor vehicle accidents are generally liable for any damages incurred by a victim. Those damages may include medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. It may be possible to show that a driver was tired in many different ways. For instance, the driver may admit to not sleeping in the 24 hours prior to the collision. Toxicology reports may also indicate the presence of medication that could make a person drowsy.

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