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Edwards & Kautz

Protecting your rights in western Kentucky

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Tractor Trailer Accidents

Drivers Under Pressure Cause Accidents

Truck drivers are often tired and pushed to meet tight schedules, creating the conditions for a crash to happen. If you are involved in a tractor trailer accident, you should immediately contact the law firm of Edwards & Kautz Law Firm in Paducah, Kentucky. Our lawyers can help you secure the full compensation you need to pay for medical bills, lost income and other expenses related to your accident.

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

Driver fatigue. Not getting enough sleep, loading and unloading heavy loads and putting in overtime can impair not only a driver’s ability to drive, but also to judge how well he is driving. Drivers get paid only when they deliver their loads. They are constantly pressured to deliver on time. Federal guidelines mandate how much sleep a driver must have. If they fall behind on a trip, they should not make up time by using stimulants or driving while tired.

DUI. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is against the law. When truckers drive drunk, they risk not only the lives of the other people on the road, but their own livelihoods. If you’ve been injured by a truck driver who was driving under the influence, the state’s criminal case against the driver won’t help you, but a personal injury lawsuit could.

Bad weather. Poor weather, like snow, fog or even rain, can cause truck accidents. Semi-truck drivers can struggle to spot motorcyclists, pedestrians or even smaller cars.

Reckless/distracted driving. Truckers need to follow the rules. If they do not they can hurt people by:

  • Playing the radio or texting and not watching the road
  • Following too close
  • Not using blind spot mirrors
  • Speeding
  • Improperly braking
  • Making quick lane changes
  • Driving with unsecured or poorly loaded cargo
  • Not using a signal to turn

Jackknifing. This usually happens when a driver slams on his or her brakes while traveling at a high speed. Then the entire truck, trailer and all, can start to skid. Jackknifing causes major damage and can be deadly to other motorists. In addition, the truck can roll, causing an even worse accident.

Don’t Take On Insurance Companies Alone

Trucking accidents can involve several parties, including the parent company, their commercial insurance and the driver’s personal insurance. This can lead to lengthy resolutions for damage and injury claims. We can help.

Victims of trucking accidents may need help getting compensation for medical bills, future medical care, loss of income or property and other losses. Our attorneys can meet with you at a free consultation to evaluate your case and determine the next step to get you relief for your losses. Call 270-908-4914 or email us to get started.

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